
-全然ホームバーの対策書いてないから書くけど アクセスガイドで消せるからフリックとかで引っかかる人は試してみて -  &new{2021-11-15 (月) 17:39:17};
--https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86tasA2/ &br;NeoAbiogenesis - Origin of Life Hypothesis. &br;By Kevin Reuter NY &br;Abstract -  &br;Nucleic acids form spontaneously in certain chemical and atmospheric conditions without biosynthesis (Nat. Commun.2016, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11328). The first Nucleic acid catalysts were most likely binary two complementing nucleotide pairs as the likelihood of all nucleotides all being a-biologically synthesized is an order of magnitude less likely then just 2 encoding base pair partners. Nucleic acids form phosphodiester bonds with other nucleic acids spontaneously thus creating RNA strands spontaneously. These strands of spontaneously and randomly encoded RNA then find their corresponding base pair sets spontaneously in no particular order. The 40th nucleic acid for instance in the RNA chain can find its corresponding nucleic acid before the 10th nucleic acid for instance thereby creating a reverse copy of the original RNA molecule piecewise nonlinearly. This newly formed RNA pair commonly known as DNA then goes through a spontaneous physical split down the hydrogen bonds of the DNA like a zipper thus creating 2 copies of RNA the new RNA strand being a mirror image of the original RNA molecule with possible mutations. This split doesn't have to happen all at once and can be done in parts creating a DNA strand with multiple split sites. This process then repeats from there with the original RNA repeating the process for the N't time and the new child RNA molecule performing its first replication thus explaining the beginning of self replication and evolution of biomolecules. &br;Furthermore I hypothesize that RNA would replicate in branches of RNA/DNA as a cobweb/branches of genetic information Self relocating/mutating piecewise not as a whole breaking off in random RNA/DNA pieces as well with anywhere from 1 to N nucleotides. The entire rna/dna molecule doesn't need to replicate in its entirety in order to have small segments of RNA / DNA replicate/ mutate. This could mean that a huge cobweb/intertwining branches of RNA / DNA could suddenly lead to a mutative advantageous rna/dna sequence that completely sequesters itself from the huge RNA DNA cobweb/intertwined branches of DNA it was a part of and become a self-sufficient small chain of quickly replicating/mutating rna/dna molecule without all the slag of its mother rna/dna conglomerate molecule. &br;This spontaneous branching process of rna/dna which needs no precursor genes catalysts or enzymes is purely to point out the fact that genetics don't need to rely on precursor genes catalyst or enzymes to evolve and replicate as self-replication evolution can occur without large precursor genes catalysts or enzymes albeit it would be a messy process. &br;I hypothesize the cell membrane came to be when tidal forces made a pool of fat and saline form bubles due to wave with these RNA/DNA molecules inside then and due to a process of osmosis causes by a fluctuation in NaCl concentration the cell membranes would pop then reform in a form of "dirty/random" cell division where the RNA/DNA is randomly split between any number of daughter cells &br;Possible experiment &br;Make a sterile soup of individual nucleic acids at various temperatures and atmospheric conditions that change over time mimicking early earth then see if over time any DNA forms. If any DNA forms without a biological precursor we know that some RNA code had formed and that RNA subsequently replicated itself using free nucleotides resulting in the new DNA strand. This DNA when heated to 98C° should unzip down the hydrogen bonds and repeat the replication process with random mutations. Other related thoughts Currently the belief for the origins of life states that Nucleic acids form spontaneously in certain chemical and atmospheric conditions without the need for biosynthesis (Nat.Commun.2016,DOI:10.1038/ncomms11328) then many chains of RNA formed without the ability to copy themselves until some random chain of RNA lucked into a biomechanism that replicates the RNA strand that produces that biomechanism. I think this hypothesis is far more unlikely to be true because this would make self replication of encoded RNA very unlikely. The answer to self replication of biomolecules is staring us right in the face in the form of two copies of RNA bonded down the center in a DNA molecule that split spontaneously and create a copy of itself. Enzymes are called catalysts for DNA/RNA replication which implies that DNA/RNA can replicate without enzymes at all however much more slowly. This implication only goes to further the likelihood of my hypothesis meaning RNA turns into DNA spontaneously (however slowly) then also unzips spontaneously (however slowly) without an enzyme catalyst involved.  &br;Conditions that must be met to prove neoABiogenesis. &br;1 phosphodiester bonds must form spontaneously without any bio precursors under ANY physical conditions &br;2 hydrogen bonds must form spontaneously to form DNA from the spontaneously forming RNA in step one &br;3 the newly formed hydrogen bonds must be broken much more likely than any other bonds in the DNA structure causing 2 RNA strands to result. It doesn't have to be completed as long as partial decolping of DNA into RNA allows for new and old RNA to duplicate and mutate &br;If all these conditions can be met in laboratory conditions at any fair of replication of any strand length of DNA/RNA this hypothesis should be considered true in some case across the cosmos as the actual origin on life and very likely the origin of life on earth. &br;Previous experimental evidence &br;The Miller-Urey experiment has already proven that DNA can be synthesized in a sterile environment thus proving my theory. But it has never been postulated that DNA is an RNA molecule replicating itself thus the "Neobiogenesis' ' of life itself. To prove my theory we must run the experiment again and see if DNA strands are in a new base pair order never before seen in the tree of life and that is how we will know true "neobiogenesis" has occurred. &br;www.ctrl-h.org - &color(,#fffacc){[Kevin Reuter]}; &new{2023-11-09 (木) 03:20:02};
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